Wednesday, April 30, 2008

april results

played my final session of april last night and did well ending up about $400 i think. i played a mix of 1/2nl 6-max as well as starting a game at 1.5/3 nl deep. (200bb table) i found even last summer when i really sucked that there were a lot of fish at the deep tables for some reason and a lot of players don't know how to adjust there game when playing with deeper stacks, myself included. it's something that i'm working on and thinking about though and i'd like to take a shot at those games to further develope my understanding of deep stack nl. i think becoming more confident in deep stack play will help when i get 2 buy-ins (or more) deep with others in the 100bb cap games and will give me a much larger edge. i also have been thinking about venturing into more live games as my br increases and possibly even playing some games like 5/5 in the future and i believe the buy-in in those games may be a bit deeper than the 50 or 100bb buy-in for the small 1/2 games.

i also had another coaching session last night which went great. it was good to get some positive feed back on a few of the hands i played well and identify a few spots wehere i was not taking optimal lines. we discussed a pretty cool hand from another coach which was quite eye opening and i had really have to look at it more to digest it.

i only played like 800ish hands or so because of the coaching session and only 4-tabled after that.

here's april's results:

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