Friday, December 12, 2008


just played a short 4 tabling session. the session ended something like this.


i thought i was playing well but was just getting owned by horrible players, then got stacked w/ AK vs AA when facing a squeeze from a habitual 3-bettor, i had a bunch of decent sized bluffs that all got picked off or shoved on (so maybe i wasn't playing very good?). then i tilted and decided to give myself a few more laps at each table to get things back in order (stupid move obv, get off the fckn tables) and tilted off a couple buyins with more bluffs and called it off w/ AJ vs AT on a ATxxx board. the clincher was a horrendous player that would c/c my turn bet w/ K9 on a AT46 board and spiked the ol King ball on the rvr. ( i had JJ)

that was it, i chucked my mouse at the wall but that wasn't enough so i ripped the phone out of the wall and chucked it at the wall too. im pretty embarassed about it and it's only the second time it's every happened to me (see june 07 blogs, i think it's around there). i've cooled down since but at the time i just wanted to quit.

i don't know how much i lost but i think i might move down to 100nl and see what happens. sometimes i think i should just play 24 tables of 50nl with 8/6 stats and make money.


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