Friday, September 28, 2007

long session planned, short session played

had plans of putting in a good long session last nite.

it started well until i took a quick break and then went on uber life tilt. (couldn't find the remote, phone kept ringing...aaaaarrrrrrghhhhh) so i decided not to play anymore for the night since i wasn't in the right frame of mind and watched some poker after dark instead since negreanu was on.

i was hoping to get 800 hands in but only got 370. i finished up over 1.5 buy-ins which is good but it mostly all came from one hand. i was also having some internet issues which may have been the beginning to my life tilt episode since i was getting 3-bet and check raised liberally by this one aggressive player to my left. i finally pick up AAxx on the button to his sb, raise and ................................... watched those full tilt cards do the wave while i tried to reconnect.

a couple hands from last night. i tightened up a little last night since i've noticed that i have been giving a little too much credit to some poor holdings. - 46% equity in a 3-way all-in pot pre has gotta be +EV. i love the chat during the hand. - stab the flop to see if im good. they both play their hands like draws or two pairs so i fire again. on the river i just want to show it down.

i'm working harder at concentrating on every post flop decision. i often times drift into auto-pilot 15-20 mins into a session and start hitting bet/call/fold buttons as fast as i can. i don't have near the skill or the experience to play like that in a game like plo so i'm trying to slow everything down and am taking advantage of the time bank a lot more. this has been a fault of mine way back to my limit holdem days so it's a hard habit to break.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

snuck in some hands

wrote this a couple days ago but never got to posting it

i managed to play 457 hands last nite. i felt a bit rushed at first but settled down and played decent after that.

one leak became very apparent last night as i twice paid off the nut flush w/ the 2nd nut flush. i was actually thinking about this before i sat down that i've got to be able to fold these hands. i guess im not fully used to being up against the nuts as often as it occurs in plo. i'll work on getting away from more hands like this but from a holdem perspective it's so hard to put a guy on a flopped nut flush when you're holding the King high flush.

i ended up just short of a buy-in again. i'll post some hands below. i've also been doing a lot of work with my pokertracker trying to configure it to better analyse my game. i'm working on setting up searchable hand categories like all AAxx hands or mid wrap hands. i'll post my pokertracker stats when i get to 10k hands. at that point i'll decide whether to stay at .25/.50 or to move up to .50/1.00. - wrap vs set. pretty standard i think. 47.6% equity. - i should probably just muck pre. i don't want to spike a 2 and even if i spike a T i'm not that happy. - i play like trash. i just complete instead of raising since trashy KK is so hard to play post-flop out of position. i find when these loose passives limp the button they seem to get really stubborn about folding so i'd like a much stronger hand that will hit a lot of flops. decent flop so i stab and get called. on the turn i think i should either bet/fold or check/fold. i do neither and end up making a really poor pay off on the end. - ok flop but not great. turn doesn't change much besides putting another flush draw out. i was quite catious because this player was not one to raise too much and i thought it was a very real possiblility that he had QTxx or a set that he was hoping to pair up with. on the river i only beat a bluff and against a more aggressive opponent i might call here looking to snap off a broken flush draw but i'm pretty sure this player has me crushed. - should probably pass this even 4 handed pre-flop. hit a nice flop and get paid off for stacks w/ pretty close to air. - pretty standard i think. im still 40% on the turn even though i miss. on the flop im 50.1% favorite! i managed to flip my chat on to see if he was berating my play and sure enough i was getting an absolute ear full.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

plo weekend

played quite a bit friday nite and saturday and recorded about 1900 hands in total. i think i played a little sloppy on saturday and kind of went against my rule of playing tired. i made close to 5 buy-ins at .25/.50 but lost 2 buy-ins in the span of 74 hands playing .50/1.00. the loss at .50/1.o0 was mostly due to 2 hands, once firing two barrels and giving up on the river and the second flipping pre w/ aces vs aces. the only reason i played .50/1.00 was because there were only 2 tables of .25/.50 going and i wanted to maximize my playing time.

i was hoping to stick strictly to .25/.50 till i got to 10k hands because im kinda anal when it comes to playing and sticking to certain limits. i don't like to spread limits during sessions as it lends itself to playing poor at the smaller limit since the gains and losses are less significant than the higher limit being played simultaneously. it's not necessarily a money thing, just more of a physcological thing.

anyways, here are the big/interesting hands from the weekend. some of the bigger pots i won i feel i played poorly and probably should have been folding instead of shoving/calling and some of the big pots i lost i thought i played well so screw being good at poker. - not sure if i should be folding to the 2nd raise pre or not. i don't think i can fold the flop since the lead out from that player could be anything. - none of my draws/made hand are all that strong but put together it's a decent spot to get the money in. i have 54% equity against his actual hand and if i give him something like top set i'm still 49%. - c/r the turn since i figured him for draw or a dry Queen that he would feel comfortable betting after i show weakness. unfortunately his dry Q is better than mine but i suck out. (22.5% on the turn to win) - here im playing heads-up since the table broke down and i thought i had an edge on the guy. not sure what he's doing here on the turn. i thought this was standard but just looking at it now im not sure how much i like my turn bet. checking behind on the turn to induce a river bluff might be better. - fairly standard c-bet w/ a little potential, decent card on the turn and without getting raised i should probably check/call the river. - quads are hard to play. - pretty standard i think. - wow, i c/r the river a lot. - meh, i suck at 52/48's. - the flop isn't too bad for me so i decided to raise his weak lead. i exude some rookie hand reading skills and couldn't put a hand together that he would play like that. i thought he 3-bet a set all-in on the flop and i doubted he would lead call like that with a bare nut flush draw. im toast the whole way. - butchered this hand. i had been flopping a lot of sets and having the most horrendous turn card fall that i got frustrated and just threw my money at this pot. he basically gives me a cheap price to fill up and i shove on it. i think i can call the turn bet and fold if i don't improve. - i was pissed at myself when i raised this. my immediate thoughts after are to just call and fold the turn unimproved but when running the sim i actually have 48% equity against the nuts. if he would have had top set though my equity drops to like 38%. - i don't usually put villains on slow played flopped sets or straights when the flop has a flush draw and they don't raise. im not folding this hand on the turn though. i'm still 40% equity against 54xx here. - standard for everyone to get it in here. i had no idea that i would actually be a favorite in this situation with 52% equity. it helps that they both have sets since it blocks some of there boat outs. against just top set we'd pretty much be a 50/50. on the turn i'm close to 81% after hitting my straight but the re-draw gets there. - we both get it in with the nuts and re-draws. my re-draw is stronger though giving me 60% equity in the hand. unfortunately his comes in and mine misses. - i hate life and money. i totally botched the river here. as soon as he check/called the turn i thought there was a good chance he had the nut flush yet i get greedy and try to extract more on the river. - meh, felt like he was slow playing a 3 or a boat. wrong read but good laydown none the less.

end post.
