Friday, July 11, 2008


played quite a bit since my last post and think i'm up maybe a $100 over 2.5k hands. my first session after my last post i got buried quickly and managed to come out of it in the green. since then it's been a bunch of break evenish sessions. on friday nite i played higher than i ever have before. i was playing with a mega fish at 1/2 who had been on a couple times earlier in the week. anyways he busts from the 1/2 table and i went to search him through the find a player to see whether he went to another table. there i find him playing full stacked on a 5/10 table. so i got on the waiting list assuming that he would bust before anyone left and i would get his seat and obv not play. instead i got a seat two to his left and sat down with the max 1k buy-in. i ran it up to 1.4k pretty quickly by bluffing the fish in a decent size pot and taking down some other small pots against the regs. i then lost a bit in blinds and getting 3-bet and having to fold. the biggest pot i lost was when the button limped, fish raised pot from the sb which meant nothing and i raised about 5x his raise w/ AKo in the bb. i made it larger since he was calling with a huge range. button folds and he calls, flop is 789cc and he donks out for pot and i fold like a girl. i left a short while later when the fish left and the end result was +$75.

i also broke my mtt cashless streak and cashed fairly deep in two tournaments saturday nite. the first was the fifty fifty and i finished 53/1070 or something close to that. the 2nd was the 28k guarantee $26 with 1300+ runners where i finished in the 60's somewhere. both tournies ended kinda shitty as i was in really tough spots with 10bb's and had no opportunities to jam steal. the end result was i ended up super short and a slave to the deck and got bounced in both tournaments. there must have been some spots i misplayed late but i guess im just happy to cash. i've got a couple $75 tournament tokens through the ironman promo so i'll probably play the 7pm a couple times to see if i can hit it big.

in all honesty i really felt like shit after busting those tournies and i can't really imagine how i was able to play mtt's exclusively before. i think when you have the experience of playing cash games and grinding out good money, playing x hours in a tournament and busting for 2x your buy-in just feels like such a waste of time. i was following the main event at the wsop and two guys that were probably top of the field skill wise when they got deep got busted out where they were waaaaaaaaay ahead. it would be so frustrating to play a tourny like that where you play great/run great for 6/7 days only to bust out as a huge fav. i guess thats just tournament poker but it seems rather sick to me.

every year i say im going to go play in a wsop event and every year when the time gets close i usually don't have the br to plunk down 1.5k in a 3k person tournament. this year however if i really wanted to go i could have. it wouldn't have been smart from a br management perspective but it wouldn't have set me back much at all. however when i look at the situation, what would i rather do: a) plunk 1.5k down on a wsop event or b) plunk down 1.5k in a live 5/10 game a take a shot. right now i'd much rather b and maybe i've truly lost my hunger to be a donkament champion. i still have a goal to go to the wsop next year, and probably stay for a good week or so but my plan is to play only cash games. im actually thinking that i might not even put a dime towards wpt fallsview (which i never have anyway) and instead will hope to have some roll and take a shot at some side games.

meh, whatever, thats my ramble for the day.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

pretty good start imo

nice start to the month. im back feeling focused and think im playing my best poker ever. i think i might have had such a hard time focusing before because i was eating horribly and not working out at all. im back on a good diet and working out regularly and it seems to really help.

im playing tonight and am about $750 short of the 16k required to move up to 2/4 nl. i have like $200 in rakeback so if i can keep running/playing good maybe i can get there sooner rather than later.


* also note, im playing a little looser now as well, hence the 21/17 rather than 18/15.