here are my thoughts on making the switch back to mtt's, again:
- 90% of my poker profit comes from mtt's
- i just don't seem to have the drive and focus to be a winning cash player
- mtt's give a sense of general excitement and aniticipation
- mtt's are actually not that bad for my schedule, since going to cash games i generally burn out real fast during sessions and end up not playing very much where as i can sit down, fire up a bunch of tournies between 7-8pm, play them out and if im done early im done early or if im up late so be it.
- tournaments are still extremely soft (with a few exceptions) where as cash games as low as .25/.50 players are becoming much more adept.
- lastly and this a big one, when i play cash games there is a certain ceiling that i can hit when winning. this ceiling is rather low because my table time is restricted and i can only efficiently 4 table. so even if i got to the point where i was top 2/4 reg, i'd still only be making a couple grand a month which is awesome but at the end of the day, seems like an awful lot of work for some extra cash. with mtt's, i can score big anytime i sit down. if i sattelite into a big event i have a (albeit very slight) chance of having a 6 figure score which to me at this point is potentially life changing.
- $11 - 20k guaranteed on stars
- $11, 1r1a on stars
- $22 180 man sng
- $27.50 8pm on stars
- $26 8pm guarantee on ftp
- 2 $26 45 man sngs on ftp
after buy-ins i think it was a 1.78k night and i had a total blast. i admittedly ran pretty hot and got super lucky in the one 45. i felt very rusty and im sure alot of my push / fold play was sub par but i can work on that. i've been studying up on some videos of late and also looking at some potential coaching just to get me sharp again.
glad to be back playing donkaments.