Thursday, February 28, 2008

logging more hands

so i put a good session last nite and managed to log over 1300 hands 4-tabling while also playing in the $75 7pm mtt. i busted around 140ish i think in what was probably a 650 person field im guessing. i had a bit of a roller coaster start and then won a big pot when i flopped flush over flush. after that i won and lost some small pots till i got it all-in pre-flop w/ JJ vs AKs and my JJ held. i blew off some chips later when i made a raise from ep w/ 66 and got cold called. flop came 442 rainbow, i c-bet, cold caller shoved and i folded. with 14bb's left i had a pretty tight image and opened KJs from mp which i hate since i can't stand a re-raise but i thought i was tight enough to get away with it. guy right behind me cold calls and we take the flop head-up. flop is KJx with two spades, i elected to open jam and he snap called w/ Aces and spiked an Ace on the river.

over the course of my cash game session i made a half buy-in. the following all occurred within about 7 minutes at one table near the end of my session.

about 1 lap later;

so i get stacked twice very quickly and decide to play up a tilted image on this hand;

fortunately i get very lucky but the verbal berating i got from the poor sucker with the aces was pretty priceless.

here are the other hands where i stacked someone in the session. - villain is very loose passive and is playing 50% of his hands to any action. i figure him for a pretty wide range here including all pairs probably Tens and lower and almost any broadway hand. flop sucks and against most players i would just check it back since their range is usually heavily weighted towards pairs which are going to give me action but since this guy is calling with JT and what not i think i have to c-bet. here's where i screw up, i bet, he insta-raises all-in and when i looked at the pot size i thought i was getting like 5-1 since on ftp they include the whole stack he just shoved in. so figuring i probably had 6 outs i made the call, then realized after the fact that i wasn't even getting 3-1. oooops! - this hand was pretty standard, villain has taggish stats but makes way too many moves pre-flop and post-flop. he 4-bet shoves AK pre-flop all day here so when he shoves on the flop im pretty sure he has a worse Ace, the same ace or a flush draw.

i may play a little tonight but im unsure yet. tomorrow i think i will be getting in a good amount of hands to end off the month. i'm pretty surprised that i've already played over 21k hands this month. thats a lot for me since my playing time is limited and i usually just stick to 4 tabling. my graph so far 100nl over 12k hands looks a little like the mcdonalds arch but 12k hands is nothing to worry about. i'm just going to keep plugging leaks till i reach my goals.

random thoughts/occurrences:

- rakeback account is up to 1.4k and am just gonna let it keep accumulating till i need it.
- i re-upped my cardrunners membership and also joined deucescracked since they look like they are putting out a good product and don't have drm protection on their videos.
- i leave for vegas in a week which is just disgusting to think about. i can't fucking wait.
- my roll is now spread to 3k in pocket for vegas, 5.2k on my ftp account after paying for my cr and dc subscriptions and shipping a friend a hundo, and 1.4k in rakeback.
- i had this feeling of just not wanting to lose in vegas when i go but fuck that. i'm only going to be playing low limit shit and i should be by far the best player at the table when i play so here's hoping i destroy the games.

feb pt screen shot coming saturday!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

small sessions

had a small opening to play a few hands two nights and ended up winning a little bit over 500ish hands. i was trying to fix my pt db at the same time so i played exceptionally nitty over the sample. here's the only hand i got stacked on and i think villain played it well if he had a good read on me. - pre-flop is standard. on the flop i've been scaling back on my c-betting frequency but even into two players this board is so dry that it's hard for them to hit it. surprisingly they both call and i'm pretty much done with the hand unless i improve. turn gives me a gutter ball to the nuts and i don't see any value in betting here. if i had gotten only one caller i might double barrell this turn since i get floated by a lot of mid pairs on boards like this that will probably give up after the second broadway hits. so i take the free card hoping to hit a Ten and to a lesser extent an Ace or King. so the river now gives me tptk but on a bit of an ugly board. my first inclination was to just show it down but i can't really put anyone on a hand that beats me and checks it twice. so i decide to fire out a smallish value bet to try and entice a Jack or weak Queen to call. when i get c/r'd i wanted to die. three things led me to calling here: a) although i've never seen this player make a c/r river bluff i think it could be part of his arsenal b) my river bet looks extremely weak c) i can't put him on any hand that beats me with that line.

last nite i hopped on for a quick little one hour session and it was kinda sick. the end result was losing close to 4 buy-ins. here's all the big hands. - the good - the bad (part 1) - the bad (part 2) - the bad (part 3) - the bad (part 4) - the ugly. villain does not cold call raises often so i really put him on a smallish to med pair that he's not comfortable re-raising with or maybe even an AQ or AJ. on the flop im just calling since if he does have a hand like 77, 88... i don't want to stop him from betting and he only has 2 outs to beat me. also i still have the pre-flop raiser to act and he could be going for a c/r on this flop w/ a big hand. on the turn once again im just check/calling. im not scared of a flush and if he does have the range i think he does, im not getting any more value from raising. on the river i think i should be leading out here since the majority of the time he will give up and hope to show down against a flush draw and if he does have something like 99 he might call thinking im bluffing a busted flush draw. anyways, i checked, he shoved and i was very surprised to see AA.

i'll be playing a nice long session tonight and should be able to sneak in a mtt or two on the side.


Monday, February 25, 2008

such slackage

on the posting that is. i suck and am lazy. i have however been playing a decent amount of poker of late. i think i played a little more of 50nl after the following week after my last post but then one day fired up some 100nl and have been playing that ever since.

my first session at 100nl was pretty bad and i got in a ton of tough spots where i stacked off in questionale spots. after that i went on a good run of sessions and was up in the black again. then i had another bad day and dropped close to 5 buy-ins but have come back on a nice run again and am back at a good winrate

i'm going to save the screen shots for the end of the month but i've got about 18k or 19k hands played so far this month with it evenly split between 50nl and 100nl.

on the tournament front i've only got to play two tournaments this month and didn't do too much in either. in one $26 i built up well before calling it off w/ 99 to a 3-bet shove that screamed AK which it was and lost the race. at the same time i worked my way through a 600ish person field in the $75 and didn't really have chips for most of it. when down to about 90 players i went on a nice rush and built up nicely before running AQ into AK where i probably could of folded but since i had a very lag image i went with it. during the rush my table was playing sooooo tight and the guy to my left warned me that "if he got a good hand, he was gonna play it". so w/ about 65 left and 63 paying, utg shoves like 3bb's, i'm utg+1 w/ just over 10bb's and re-ship w/ AKo, tight player snap calls and i know im done. i failed to hit and his QQ held to bust me just shy of the money.

here are some interesting hands where i got stacked from the last few sessions: - here villain is kinda unknown but i had feeling he was fishy. my normal line here would be to 3-bet his min-raise on the flop but i decided to take a slightly different line and go for a c/r on the turn. unfortunately he checks the turn behind. on the river i decide to check again mostly to induce bluffs although the ace probably scares him from betting a Ten so i should probably just lead out. no value in raising his river bet. - villain is an extreme fish and calls down with any pair no matter what the action. i don't think he knows there is a fold button. the flop raise is for both value and to protect my hand. i put him on a weak ace when he leads or possibly even just a bare Queen or Jack. i bet the turn for value and now start to wonder if he's maybe also got a bare diamond as well. river blank and he checks to me again, i pretty much insta-shoved for value and got quite the surprise. i was drawing slim the whole way and after reviewing the hand i find it very hard to put him on AQ/AJ when he limp/calls pre but when i check back on his stats he's raising less than 1% of his hands which means he could very well have JJ or QQ there although unlikely. missing seeing that in his hud costs me as i should probably just check this behind. the other holding he could play like this is KTo which also has me beat. - fishy player limps and strong tag player isolates him with a raise from the button. this is a very common situation in these games and i think the button has a very wide raising range here. i think this is a fairly standard 3-bet although it's definitly on the aggressive side. folds back to villain tag and he just calls. i put him on a semi weak hand when he just flats. he could be trapping with a big hand but i kinda doubted it and put him on a more mediocre hand like AJ, AQ and mid pp's since he knows that i know he would isolate light and that i would 3-bet light. anyways, on the flop i make a somewhat smaller c-bet which i normally make in 3-bet pots pre-flop. at first i was hesitant to bet this flop because i'm not nuts about getting it in with just the flush draw and clearly behind or getting blown off my draw but this flop is really hard to hit and i think he will release the majority of his range. his raise definitly tells me he's got a hand and at this point i start to ponder whether he has AK, KQ or possibly even KK. i really think that's how narrow his range is here but he's raised small and i actually am getting the right price to see the turn and make my flush. if i don't improve on the turn i'll just dump the hand. the Ten improves me giving me a gutter to go along w/ my nut flush draw. i could shove here and maybe i should but the pot will be so big he's going to have to call even if he thinks there's a good chance he's beat. i check, he shoves but now i realize with the additional outs i'm probably getting the right price if i have a 12 outer like i expect. so i timed down and made the call but bricked out. def an interesting hand and there are many arguments to be made about every move on every street i think. in just writing down my thoughts here im now thinking that i maybe should be 3-bet shoving the flop? who knows, i'll continue to think about it and mabye even post it in the cr forums.

i'll post more thougths later,
