Friday, April 23, 2010


i've been playing quite steadily of late and spent even more time working on my game. so far i've been putting all my time in at 25plo which is the lowest i've ever played. something i've figured out about myself though is that i tend to jump into things head first, get overwhelmed, get frustrated and move onto something else. if i look back at prior times when i've taken shots learning plo i've started off playing 6 tables or something stupid at 100plo, lost a ton and couldn't understand why (thought i was playing pretty good) and then quit saying that game has too much variance and is stupid...

so this time i'm starting out at rock bottom, and expecting to lose. it's only natural that i lose to begin with because even though players are playing poorly at this level, so am i, just in a different way. playing this low has also helped me get used to the inevitable swings in plo so going forward i'm hoping to be a little more thick skinned towards the uppers and downers.

overall im putting more effort away from the table than ever before. to truly get good at this game (or any game) i have to increase my study when not playing. typically i've always watched training videos but i generally don't pick much up. this time around I started taking detailed notes on some series which i've kinda phased out of since it was taking me around 3-4 hours to watch a 50 min video. instead i am focusing on the concepts in the videos and generally taking a lot more away from them than i used to. i've also spent some time going through articles and plo ebooks highlighting important concepts and reviewing them periodically to keep them fresh in my mind. lastly im working a lot more with holdem manager to review hh's and try to plug leaks after play as well as figure out equities since it's entirely different than holdem.

i guess one more thing is i'm working with a coach as well and he's the best coach i've ever had, by far. i think as long as i'm working with him, working hard away from the table and playing focused i'm going to be a tough son of a bitch at the tables.
