Tuesday, August 26, 2008

getting owned!

since my last post i've been getting absolutely destroyed. this is by far my worst downswing since i've started playing nl. im not sure of the amount of hands but im down roughly $5.5k which equates to roughly 14 buy-ins. now, i shouldn't really complain cuz my year so far has been a pretty smooth journy upwards. until now i don't think i've had a downswing larger than 5 buyins and they were usually just really bad sessions that i rebounded back from and never lost much confidence.

this one however has been like getting beat to death with a hammer. it's just a continuos pummeling and it's got my confidence down a lot. i've had points so far at 400nl where i feel im getting owned by regs and it doesn't help when everyone is owning me at the same time.

here's a couple hands from tonites session that caused me to quit my session:

http://www.pokerhand.org/?3106005 - i've got no idea.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?3106012 - this hands illustrates a running theme for me, i'm working on becoming more aggro post flop but every time i do i seem to stack off horribly. i have no idea what he's doing here on the flop.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?3106032 - and when i get them to stick it in bad they bink.

ok, thats the end of my feel bad for myself rant.

here are the positives i can take out of the last week+ as well as what i have to look forward to:

  1. i'm actually +1.5k in all-in equity on the month
  2. i can only get better
  3. i've made some very good "quits" and controlled tilting very well
  4. i've hooked up with a new coach who im really excited to work with and have sent off a 35 min video of my play to him for analysis. he also has setup a bit of a program that seems to be right up my alley.
  5. im running sick hot in the ftp nightly $163 and am 8/65 on the bubble.
  6. i've run the $125 i had left over on stars after paying for coaching into $219 playing micro stakes plo.