Wednesday, November 7, 2007

a little bit of everything

played last night with mixed results.

once again i was back playing some mtt's.

i came 43/45 in a $75 45 person sng once again. action went limper in ep, i raise in mp w/ QQ and player behind me cold calls and the limper calls. flop comes 882 with two diamonds. limper checks i bet out about 2/3 the pot, cold caller min-raises, limper folds and i tanked for a bit before shoving. he showed JdTd and the rest is history.

i then reg'd for a $44 sng and came 17/45. down to about 27 i had about 12bb's and the aggy sb open shoved 6bb's into my bb and i called w/ K8o since he's shoving any two. he had 55 and i lost that race. i then went into short stack ninja mode and eventually ran my 4bb's up to 12 again. then i lost 1/2 my stack some how, doubled w/ 55 vs QQ (not a problem) and then ran 88 into AA. (a problem)

the 7pm $75 went well and i was pretty happy with my play. i ran it up early to about 5k and had about 6.5k at the first break. the 2nd hour was pretty sick as i had more than the avg stack and was still one of the shorties on the table. i got down in the 12-15bb's range a couple times and made some nice re-steals to chip back up. then with about 12k @ 250/500+a i opened the button to 1300 and was pretty sure the bb was gonna re-ship any two. the sb cold called the raise and sure enough the bb piled his 10k into the middle, i insta re-shoved and the sb folded. bb showed T2o but he flopped a Ten to knock me down to 2.2k. i short stack ninja'd again and doubled up w/ TT vs A9o that kept me alive for another orbit or so until i picked up 55 in the sb and min-raised shoved an ep raise. his AQ hit on the river and i finished 84/491.

during this time i reg'd for a $75 plo satellite into the $535 ftops event. it only got 9 entrants but since it was 6-max we played short handed to start. i pretty much folded my way to the final 6 after picking up one pot where i check/called the river with a straight flush and was up against a donk with the nut flush that was certainly going broke. down to 6 handed i won a big pot with top set against top and bottom pair. from there myself and one other guy had about 5k each with the other three players all left with around 1k. i pretty played tight and folded my garbage and before i knew it i was heads-up with one of the previous 1k stacks. we were about 50bb deep when i got it all-in w/ top and bottom on a A96 flush draw board and was shown top two w/ a club draw. so i just missed a seat there but made a whopping $11 for my efforts. i always seem to get 2nd in those sats and was really unsure about the flop play of the bustout hand.

the last tournament i played was the 8pm $26 and i bounced out of that 925/1210 when i raced off AKo vs JJ.

i tried to keep it around 4 tables all night so as i busted in a tournament i would open up a cash table. by the time i busted all my tournaments i was running two tables of 100plo 6 max and two tables of 100nl full ring.

in about 220 hands of plo i made about $109 after being stuck a buy-in early. couple hands in i got dealt AA24 double suited to the aces and got it all-in pre against AA46 single suited to an ace and lost when the board came 6xx6x. after that i won a massive pot after making a speculative call pre. ep (playing 1/2 a buy-in) limps, i limp behind w/ AQ44 single suited to the ace and the sb (big stack) raises pot, ep calls and i decided to call. flop comes 984 with two clubs. sb leads for pot, ep shoves, i shove over the top and sb makes the call. ep shows T7xx for a bare open ended straight draw and sb shows AQJT with three clubs for top wrap + nut flush draw. for the main pot i have about 44% equity and my hand held up to take it down. after that i beat up on a donk that kept buying in for 1/2 and getting stacked.

in nl holdem i only got about 115 hands in and lost $66. the only big hand occured when a player playing about a $65 stack raised in late position and i cold called with 9s8s in the cutoff and we took the flop heads-up. the flop came down a beauty Q88 rainbow and villain bet close to pot and i elected to just call. the turn was an offsuit K and villain once again fired close to pot and i put him in. he called pretty quickly w/ KQo and rolled a K on the river to drag the pot.

it was really fun to mix up my play between cash and tourny, holdem and omaha and it really kept my interest on the games the whole night where as i usually get disintersted from time to time when just playing one form of poker exclusively.

i hope to play a more balanced schedule like this in the future.


Monday, November 5, 2007

return to donkaments and found a coach

haven't played a whole lot in the last week and a half. i was busy most of the week last week so i decided to let my mind clear a bit and stay away.

i think since my last post i've dropped 2 buy-ins or so at 50plo. other than that it's been short little sessions where i broke close to even playing maybe 200 hands of 100plo, lost a capped pot in a 1/2 cap plo game ($80 cap) and busted in a few mtt's.

i kinda got a thirst for mtt's again after following the coverage of the wpt fallsview (which i failed to put a $1 towards qualifying for) so one night i played the $26 plo at 8:15 along with both the daily doubles on ftp. the play in the plo tournament was absolutely hilarious. i don't have the hh's to post but it was probably the worst play i've ever seen at any time in my life. i busted in that tournament 51st out of 211 when i ran double suited Kings into double suited Aces pre.

the daily doubles didn't last long, i got it all-in on a 8 high flop w/ KK vs QQ and villain rolled a Q on the turn and in the second one i don't even remember how i busted but it was 767/1193.

this past saturday i played the 1pm $75 6 max nlhe and it went fairly well. i feel very rusty playing nlhe but thought i came around a bit during this tournament. again the play was pretty poor and i chipped up to 5k from 3k just picking on one particulary bad player. i then raised to 150 utg w/ JJ, got cold called by mp who i know calls a lot of raises in position w/ suited connectors and what not, the button (another bad player) pushes for 800 total and i'm pretty comfortable calling him. then the bb wakes up out of nowhere and shoves for 3k so i fold and mp folds. button shows TT and bb shows.................55.

a little bit later i get JJ utg again at a different table. w/ a 6k stack i raise it up, mp makes a smallish re-raise of about 2.5x and the sb cold calls. mp has about 1.8k left after his raise and sb has about 4k. i had zero reads on either player but for some reason i was pretty sure i had mp beat. usually a smallish re-raise scares the hell out of me but i had one of those gut things that made me want to push to isolate. the only problem is that the sb could be trapping here. if he's good he probably has me beat but if he's bad he could have anything and would fold (or put it in bad) against a push. i ended up shoving when it got back to me and both players called. mp had ATo but the sb was trapping and had Aces. but luckily for me it was a donkament and i flopped an underfull to take down a big pot.

in looking back i think i should give both players more credit and just call pre-flop and see what developes.

i ended up going on a good run in that tourny but eventually busted 55th out of like 236. at the same time i also played a $75 45 person sng and lasted all of about 5 hands after i got it all-in pre w/ AKs against AA and KK. action went mp raise, i cold called in the cutoff, sb re-raised, mp shoved, i cold called all-in as did the sb. not sure i hate the call since i look weak calling the initial raise so mp might be shoving a decent range to isolate against the sb. sb definitly has a hand but it's not always going to be AA/KK. the only real worry i have with the hand is that i get it all-in sharing cards with one of the other players and have to outdraw the third players pair with less than 6 outs.

it was fun getting back into some touraments and i think i'll try to play a couple from time to time to break up the grind of cash games. tournaments provide that surge of adrenailine that you don't always get in cash games.

yet another ftops event is starting up this week and while i would like to play a few events im unsure if i'll get to. there is a $535 plo on saturday along with a few others that peak my interest but i'm going to be busy most of the day saturday and might not have a chance to satellite in and i don't see myslef dumping that big of a buy-in on a single tournament. so maybe some tournaments in the future but mostly cash games i think.

speaking of cash games i've found a plo coach. im going to have my first session this week and we'll see how it goes. im pretty excited about the experience in general as i feel that having a coach is the next step in getting better. books are good, videos are great but i don't think anything is better than having a better player sweat and teach you. i think it's how a lot of great players have learned from others and im hoping that the chemistry i have with this coach is a success.

i've set my short term goals (not really sure of the timeline) to be a winning player at 2/4 & 3/6 plo online. i think i can definitly acheive this and eventually i could work my way up to 5/10 but thats too far down the road to speculate about.

another thing i have to do next year is play at the wsop. i have to! no bullshit this year. i will go to the wsop and play at least one event plus side games but my goal is to play two events.

i'm also getting off my ass and scheduling a vegas trip for late January/early February as well.

things are happening.
