Tuesday, April 7, 2009

april so far

first off looking back at march i only lost like $300 online instead of the $700 i thought.

april so far has been ok but nothing spectacular. i think im up like $250 in nl6m but down some from small tourny buy-ins and a few hands of huplo.

plo in general is like crack cocaine for me and my first small foray into huplo was absolutely addicting until i dropped 150 last night playing some guy that sat in for $20 at a $50 table. now i have to swear off plo again for the near future if i plan to ever live a sane existence.

i have been playing quite a bit though so far this month which is good and i've kept the majority of my play to 4 tables which is ideal. i've recently made some fairly substantial changes in my pre-flop game concentrating on isolating fish and attacking tight blinds with a much higher frequency and it resulted in developing a pretty wild image. i think over my last 2500 hands i was playing 25/21 or something similar although last nites tables would not allow for such and i was back down to taggy numbers.

but in all seriousness i really just need to concentrate post flop. my major problem is i generalize post flop play way too much without regards to what villains actual range is and how he thinks. i tend to just think on auto pilot and barrell this turn or cbet this flop cuz i think i would generally fold his range to those bets. it's a compounded problem though because i think a lot of my own post flop play is somewhat irrational when facing the pfr. so when im playing against good players im misrepresenting their thinking and when im playing bad players im giving them too much credit for folding.

for the life of me i cannot do it but i need to start putting players on specific ranges and then whittle them down street by street while simultaneously evaluating my equity against the perceived range. sounds easy but 20 minutes into a session im right back to spazz click button mode.

end incoherent ramble/

in other news i've hooked up with a new coach that im really excited about. im really excited about this new opportunity but realize i need to start putting much more work in myself in order to get the full benefit of the coaching i recieve.

gonna play tonight and although i have extreme mtt jealousy right now due to the big scoop series on stars im cutting out all mtt activity for the time being as well as a self ban on any variation of 4 hole card games.
