Friday, October 10, 2008

driving me to drink

i just can't seem to win lately. after my last post i played a session where i was 3 tabling 200nl but was on a 400nl table that i noticed had 2 huge fish on. overall i lost $700+ that night including $400 to the fish on the 2/4 table.

i followed that up with a small win of like $300 or something 2 tabling and then another $400 loss the day after. tonite i played about 950 hands 6 tabling and felt i played pretty well other than a really spewy 5-b bluff that cost me a stack. anyways i dropped close to 1k tonight putting me a grand total of 2.7k in the whole over less than 5k hands for the month.

im kinda sick over it but kinda not at the same time. i think im playing well (lately) but i really don't know i guess. maybe shits just not lining up for me right now or this just could be a correction from running good up until a little while ago. i really can't say, all i can do is just keep blasting away at it and trying to get better.

bankroll is down to 12.2k plus a couple hundred bucks in my rb account. this game truly is depressing some times.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

im back

wow, full month w/o posting. so my return kinda sucked as i realized that i was still playing kinda bad and unfocused. my number problem by far is lack of focus but outside of going to a doctor and asking for ADD meds im unsure of what to do about it. im thinking of implementing a thought structure to every hand i play to ensure im going through a full thought process and not knee jerk reacting and kicking myself after.

anyways, i played a little bit of 200nl but prob only got in 8k hands for the rest of the month making like 3 or 4 buy-ins but ending in the red for the second straight month. one of the reasons i didn't get hands in was that i was spending some time with the gf before she left for a 3.5 month tour of europe.

so this left me pumped poker wise to play tons of hands before the end of the year however it's started off kinda shitty and im down like 4 buy-ins over my first 2.5k hands. i also have been in a bit of a mopey mood so at times i've stayed away from the tables but im gonna do my best to grind out hardcore and hopefully be crushing 2/4 by the end of the year.

my new coach is very good and although we haven't spent much time together i've got a copy of an ebook he wrote which is extremely good and seems tailored for me. i'll keep reading and studying that and in the meantime try to crush some souls at 200nl.
