Wednesday, September 19, 2007

short plo session

fit in about 450 hands 4 tabling yesterday.

results were good finishing up just under 2 buy-ins. i just finshed reviewing most of the big hands so i'll post them here. - pre-flop i elect just to call since i don't have any suits to go with my aces. i've really tightened up out of position since hands like AAxx are so hard to play post flop out of position. flop is standard, bet the nuts and get called in two places. the turn completes a wheel draw but i'm not overly concerned about it and i feel i still have the best hand here the majority of the time. i check the river through since i didn't feel i was getting paid off by any worse hands. obv im wrong and i probably get another bet out of a passivley played middle set. - take a free flop in the bb. i lead out on the flop to protect my hand from over pairs and possible wraps. i checked the turn originally thinking that i could very well be beat by a bigger 5 and checking might keep the pot smaller. reviewing it though i think i should probably just fire again and see what happens. he could have floated me with a big overpair or have low wrap that he's playing cautiously since the board is paired. if he raises me on the turn i can safely fold. the small bet on the turn really doesn't give me any more info so i call and decide to re-evaluate the river. i check the river and told myself i would call anything but a pot sized bet and sure enough he pots it. i time banked it for a while and finally decided to call. my original thought was to muck it but i couldn't get the thought of an overplayed big pair out of my head. also, i've under sold the strenght of my hand and he could be trying to push me off w/ a busted draw too. not sure about this hand though so i'll probably post it on a forum for other opinions. - standard raise w/ decent aces in position. i'd like it a lot more if the aces were suited but a strong hand none the less. flop is fairly dry w/ a flush draw and i have two blockers. i fire out pot and get called in one spot. villain is a holdem player that will often call down w/ over pairs and what not. on the turn i pick up a straight draw but it also puts another flush draw on the board. i should be firing here again everytime since i believe i have the best hand a vast majority of the time. for some reason i puss out again on the turn and give him a free card. not sure why i did it but it's a bad play looking back. i might have been going for a check raise but can't remember. river is fairly meaningless as i doubt he cold called on the flop w/ two pair, a set or a dry 2. he could have had a 2 + a flush draw but im going to give him a chance to bluff at it for me. i called pretty quickly and he was weak the whole way. - raisey daisy in position w/ a good hand. flop trips w/ top kicker and get it all-in. his 1/2 pot bet/shove made me think he had a 9 as well but i'm not folding just because he might already be full. as it worked out i have 66% equity against his hand. if he was full w/ 97xx or 77xx i still have 38% equity so im not in that bad of shape.

anyways, i've come across a really awsome plo blog that i'll link up shortly. the guy plays anywhere between 3/6 and 25/50 plo and writes up great analysis on hands he's played and why he played them like he does.

i've also been reading the book "the poker mindset" and it's a really great book. i'd suggest it as madatory reading material to any poker player.


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