Monday, August 11, 2008

way late w/ july results

+ 4k tournament score. best month ever.



Andrew said...

Nice blog. I'm basically trying to climb the ladder like you. Whats up with those $5/$10 sessions? Doesn't seem to mesh with your steady climb approach. I'm still at .5/$1, but will probably move to 1/2 within the next month or so. So do you use a 40x buyin rule before moving up? And who's your coach? Thanks. Good luck.

bigslicktg said...

thanks for the kind words. the 5/10 session was just a one tabling fish chasing experiment. it was pretty out of character but the fish was way to bad not to chase.

i do use a 40 buyin rule for moving up although i'll probably stay at 2/4 for a while and grind hard before moving up further.

my coach is chaostracized and you can get in touch with him through the deucescracked coaching team.

good luck with your move up to 1/2!
