Sunday, June 24, 2007

back at it

ended up not being able to sleep last nite so i put in about 1200 hands.

i made back about $150 and played pretty well.

i also got a chance to log a few hands tonite.

i played 800+ hands and ended the session up about $160. about 215 hands of that was @ .40/.80 deep stack ($160 buy-in - 200bb's)

there were 2 tables of this going and it was unbelievably soft. guys stacking off 300bb's w/ ATo. unfortunately i couldn't pick up a hand before the 2 donkeys busted so i pretty much broke even on those tables. my session would have been a little more profitable but on one of my 100nl tables i was getting absolutely pwned by this uber donk. he called every raise and outflopped me in every pot.

the $160 deep tables are just so unbelievably soft when i play that i think im going to start sitting on them just to try to get them going. it's just unbelievable.

anyways, i posted in the cr forums about how some of the more experienced nl 6 max players find the swings. it seems that a 4 buy-in swing is fairly normal for a session (something i started to wonder about) and some guys say they swing anywhere between 8 buy-ins.

i think this gives me a better perspective of the game and what to expect.


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