Saturday, June 23, 2007

401 hands of hell

funny how this blog has turned into a how much money i've lost today kind of theme.

i sat down and quickly dropped 4 buy-ins ($409.30) in 401 hands.

just a sick sick session. i actually held my composure until the final beat and then for the first time ever chucked my mouse across the room. (felt kinda good except that i timed out in all my other hands)

here are the hands: - standard cooler - villain is your standard maniac, he shoved the turn so fast i was expecting to see a pair w/ the ace of clubs or something. - a hand against another uber maniac. im not usually a big fan of jamming AK pre in cash games but im way ahead of his squeezing range and i "thought" i had fold equity but apparenlty 99 is good.

and the mouse smasher to finish it off,

days like this make me wish i just dicked around and played $5 sngs for fun like some of my friends.

this month has just been so sick. it seems like i go small win, big loss, small win, big loss.........

admittedly i played poorly at the beginning of the month and deserve those results. its just so frustrating lately. i get on these uber aggressive tables and everytime i raise im getting 3-bet and forced to fold. then when i finally pick up a monster i get zero action or sucked out on. (obv over generalizations because im losing)

so it looks like im going to have a big losing month for the first time that i really remember. im not sure how in the red i am in mtts but im done quite a bit in cash.

im bitter and depressed. my br is a shade under 3.3k now but i have about $400 in rakeback owed to me. if it wasn't for rakeback i'd probably be playing 1cent/2cent underolled.

im going to go puke.


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