busted near the end of the 1st hour when i ran AKo into a bad players KK. the cash game was a slow loss again and i think i dropped about 3/4 of a buy-in.
went out and played in my regular home game w/ 6 other friends. we usually play $20 buy-in sng basically w/ 50 chips and 1/2 blinds to start. we then bump up the blinds everytime someone gets knocked out and usually the final two get paid. (its an atrocious luck fest but its something fun to do once in a while and breaks up the grind of online poker)
i ended up donking out 1st in the 1st game after raising utg blind and what not and then came 2nd in the 2nd one we played to break even for the nite.
i played a very short session yesterday as i had some other stuff i wanted to do. i contemplated just dedicating the whole day to online and putting in as many hours as my body and mind could take but thought better of it. i've had some poor results so i thought it might be best to take a night off.
my results were ok, i think i played about 550 hands and ended up stuck about 3/4 of a buy-in due to a pretty big pot i lost w/ K7 on K6854 board. villain had 97 and i think i got what i deserved playing past the flop w/ trash.
today i got up and played the $24 10am mtt on ftp. call me bublble boy cuz there i was out in 37th again when the top 36 pay. (ran 66 into AA and put my 2bb's in the next hand w/ 44 and had the whole table call and check me down)
im actually very happy with how i played this tournament. (except for the 66 hand, hindsight tells me i should of prob folded) i decided to deviate from my usual tight play early and play it more like i would a cash game. that meant raising up limpers in lp, opening up a lot more from lp and generally playing a lot more aggressive. the result was i had about 5.2k at the first break and had a great image for getting paid off. about mid way through the 2nd hour i had dwindled to about 4.7k when i opened the button w/ KK and got re-popped AI by the bb w/ A6s; he flopped an Ace and rivered a 6 just for good measure to put me down to 2.2k w/ 100/200 blinds.
instead of mailing it in from here i hunkered down and played the short stack that im used to. i was down to about 1.8k when i shoved KTo from the hijak @ 120/240 25a and picked up the blinds. i now had 2.3k and then next hand utg and utg+1 both limp, i shove w/ QQ and utg insta-calls. i moan figuring he's limp/re-raising w/ AA but no, he flips over the mighty A7o and i bust him to go up to around 6k.
played mostly small pots after that bouncing between 8.5k and 6k until the 6's hand.
during the mtt i had my usual 4 tables of $100 nl going. played 921 hands and ended up down $160. its been pretty sick this week in cash. while i started off playing poorly i think i've buckled down and have played pretty well the last couple days.
this morning i was at great tables w/ great live ones in the game and just kinda got held over. it seems when i flop poorly im facing tons of pressure and when i flop gin i get no action. im sure it'll even itself out over the long term but it can be frustrating in the short term.
here's the big pot of the morning that definitly hurt since this guy was all over the place and i was just waiting to get his stack.
anyways, im hoping to play again tonite, prob just cash games. im looking forward to booking a win since i believe my last like 6 sessions have been losers. ugh.
here are my cash stats so far for the month:
not good............
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