Friday, June 8, 2007

bah argh!

sat down to put in a huge session last night and log into ftp to find out they've finally added a time bank feature. (long overdue)

so i sit down, open up 4 cash tables and registered for the 7pm $69 nl and the 7:15pm $24 lhe tournies.

a couple minutes into the session, the software starts lagging and timing me out of hands. i'd like to think i don't tilt tooooooooo easily but bad internet connections and faulty software makes me go on uber monkey tilt.

so i ended up only logging 400 hands in cash and was down a little over a buy-in. i un-registered for the later evening tournies and decided to just play out the two i had already started.

the lhe went fairly well but i eventually busted about middle of the pack. this is the first time i played this tournament in a long time (i think i've only played it 2 or 3 times total) and couldn't believe how poor the play was. im probably a pretty mediocre lhe player at the moment but i think even a mediocre player has a good sized edge in this tournament.

the 7pm nl went well and i eventually busted 40th out of a 378 person field. i made a questionable play late that cost me.

i had been fairly tight and am working on staying active and picking up blinds in the mid to late stages so i raise up KQ from ep knowing i can muck to a re-raise. bb flat calls and i had actually played the majority of the lhe tourny with him and didn't think too much about his play. i check behind on the flop figuring he re-pops any pair and if he checks the turn i can take a stab and prob take it down. i can't see him having any hand that can stand a bet on the turn here so i stabbed and was wrong.

after that i got a free look in the bb and flopped open ended but missed and was out in 40th.


started a session at 11am this morning. played a $20 45 sng, the 11am $20 mtt that drew about a 125 players and the 12pm $24 mtt that had 365 runners.

busted out of the 45 sng 12th w/ flush over flush, busted about half way through the 11am when i pushed 9bb's overtop a mp limper w/ ATo and the sb woke up w/ AQo.

the 12pm i busted as bubble boy (37th) after i pushed from lp w/ 64o and about 8bb's and the sb called w/ AK. i don't really mind the push as i had been moved about an orbit before and hadn't played a hand. the bb had about 6bb's and looked like he was trying to eak into the money. i could care less about cashing so the difference between 36th and 37th is meaningless to me.

all while this i logged close to 900 hands of cash before i started to feel my concentration slip. i thought i played well for all but 3 hands and ended up down 3/4 buy-in. here are the hands i think i could've played better.
inexcusable, i really need to take this type of play out of my game. there is a lot of aggression at these limits and often times when a tag see's another tag raise up a limper they will 3-bet w/ a large range. thats why i push but i still think its a horrible play unless i've seen villain do this on multiple occasions which i had not in this situation.
i just sat at this table and zero read on the villain. with the size of his 4-bet i think this should be a fairly easy fold on the flop.
i'd usually never felt TT pre but i had notes on the villain that he'll 4-bet push AK so once he does this and only has 3/4 of a buy-in i felt compelled to call. not really sure the best line to take here but i don't really like mine.

im hoping to play more tonite (both mtts and cash) and i might even have a little home game going on with the boys so more updates tomorrow.


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