Wednesday, June 6, 2007

a little more insight and june goals!

First off thanks for those who provided feedback. it's much appreciated.

I hope to get some links up (if i figure out how to navigate this site) of some of the other poker blogs that i frequent. a couple must check out blogs are rex55, bel0wab0ve, daniel negreanu, shannon shorr and many of the cardrunner blogs including sbrugby and cts (muckemsayuhhh on ftp)

i think i enjoy these blogs so much because i really don't have any friends or family that truely understand poker and the ups and downs. having blogs like these available kind of helps me reassure myself that others experience the same joys and frustrations that i go through on a day to day, month to month basis.

something else i meant to mention in my first blog is that poker is more of a hobby/passion that i enjoy spending my free time on. i have a full time job and only get to play poker a couple times a week. this makes playing mtts a lot harder for me since i don't usually have big bricks of time to spend on playing out a tournament. this is the reason i've started playing more cash games recently because of the flexibility of getting up and sitting down whenever i want.


My goals for June are pretty basic. i want to play a ton of poker!

I've put in a couple of small cash game sessions so far w/ some crazy ups and downs. my current game is $100 nl 6 max on ftp. (thats .50/1.00 blinds not 50/100 blinds) i usually play 4 -6 tables at a time. lately its been 4 tables of nl cash, a plo table or an mtt on the side.

100nl is a pretty low limit but i think its where my skill level is currently and i've never been one to be too proud to play a specific limit. it actually probably has a lot more to do with being a nit and realistic on how much im willing to lose in a session.

i was up about 6 buy-ins early this month but have since lost about 8 buy-ins including a $763 loss in one session. this is by far the largest cash game loss to date. it was a pretty sick night, i took a couple beats and a few coolers but i bled horribly and played just as bad. i was talking to a friend on messenger and told him i was going to shut it down for the night because i figured i was down about 4 or 5 buy-ins. when i checked pokertracker i was down $638. i kinda cringed and immediately took off the auto-post blinds and planned on playing out my non blind hands before shutting it down. i then took runner runner against an uber donk after he 3-bet me pre w/ 54o to drop another buy-in.

i've yet to play any mtts this month but i have played a couple of the $20 45 person sngs which imo are the best way to build a bankroll and sharpen mtt skills.

my girlfriend leaves for europe tonight and will be gone for 16 days so over that time period im hoping to get a ton of poker in. im even taking this friday off work so i can hit the ground running and get lots of hands in and clear some time for mtts.

i don't usually set goals in terms of money won since predicting how the cards will fall is impossible. i will set my goal at getting 25k hands in at 100nl and 160nl deep and to play to the best of my ability and maybe learn a few new things. i'll also continue to log a few hands at plo as im trying to learn the intricasies of the game. i'll probably just play at the $50 buy-in level for that until i am more comfortable with the game.

as for mtts, i will try and play as many as possible but trying to put a number on how many is too hard. i'll look for 100% roi for the month in these.

thats it for now, i might get a short session in tonite after getting home from the airport otherwise i'll look to later in the week to log more hands.

gl @ the tables.

ps. my next blog will probably be about my extreme jealousy towards anyone playing a wsop event.


dtrain17 said...

enjoy your blog, I play pretty much same levels as you, play multiple .5/1 tables. As well as tournies $100 or less. keep up w the blog, good read


rayne said...

good blog tg. and PLEASE put that links on. i reallywanna check below\s blog and others.

you just have to go on the dashboard-layout and then on the blogroll. it's pretty standard as they say. but do it!! :)

thanks and keep it up