Tuesday, August 14, 2007

poor showing last nite

didn't play well last nite and it showed in the results.

started with the 6pm $216 turbo and $26 both on ftp.

built up a stack in the 200 turbo and had around 4.7k @ 100/200. big stack w/ 12k gets moved to my direct left. i come in for 600 w/ TT in fairly ep and he instantly shoves for 12k right behind me. it folds back to me and i was dead certain he had AK since there is no way he would play AA, KK or QQ that way. i doubt it's JJ since he's got a bunch of players left to act so i don't think he would shove. (he wasn't the only big stack) i decided to gamble for a stack since it is a turbo and if i win the flip im top 10 in chips. im not sure if it's a good call or not in hindsight, i can fold and still have 20bb's and there could be a chance he does over shove AA or KK since i myself mix my play up with that move at times. if he does have AK though im actually 56% favorite so i don't know. if you have any advice on the hand plz leave a comment.

anyways i called and he did indeed have AKo and i lost the race.

the $26 went well and i had more than doubled the starting stack early when i baited a bad player into pot committing himself w/ middle pair vs my AA overpair. stayed pretty much around 3k until early in the 2nd hour. i picked up AQs in the sb and a very active lp player raised it 3x @ 60/120 so i shoved since im way ahead of his range and don't want to play AQ out of position. unfortunately he had AK and i was knocked down to a measly 250 chips. i decided to dig in and try to make a comeback. i folded the full lap until i was in the bb w/ Ac6x. two lp players limped for the 120, the sb completed and i checked my option leaving myself 130 chips behind. the flop came ragged w/ 3 clubs, the sb chkd, i bet my 130, both limpers folded and the sb called me with T6o for a T hi. i won that pot to get up to 760 chips and folded my sb to a raise the very next hand and was down to 680 chips since the blinds had went up to 80/160. i folded another full lap and had to fold my bb to a raise and a re-raise. in the sb i had a ragged K5o, the big stack button (sb from my prev hand) open min-raised and since he was so loopy i decided to shove praying my cards were live. the bb folded and the button called w/ the mighty 52o and i doubled through to 1200. i shoved a ragged ace from the button on the very next hand to pick up the blinds. about 5 hands after that i open shoved 99 and got no callers and now had 1600 @ 100/200. all of the hard work went down the drain when i got carried away and shoved KJo from ep. i was cold called by a big stack that only had 33 so i was very close to getting right back into the tournament but the board bricked out and my reign as short stack ninja came to an end.

the KJ push kinda pissed me off cuz i knew it was bad and then losing the race just made it worse.

i played the 7pm $75 on ftp and went bust in a badly played hand. with blinds of 40/80 and about 3k behind a fairly aggressive player opened for 240 in the hijak. i called the 240 w/ KsTs on the button. as soon as i called i hated the play. i don't need to play KTs for a raise here so early in the tournament even though im in position. villain is going to c-bet the majority of flops and im either going to have to float w/ air or a mediocre hand to win the pot. i will hardly ever hit a flop that im comfortable playing for stacks with. anyways, we took a flop heads-up and it came Jc7s2s to give me an over and a flush draw. he bet and i called. the turn was an offsuit Q to give me another 6 possible outs. he bet out kinda small (600 into a 1000 chip pot) and i shoved for 2200 total. he called quickly w/ QQ and my monster semi-bluff was nothing more than a 30% dog.

i also played the $109 on party at 7pm. everything went great early and the play was horrible. people were tripping over each other to get all-in w/ trash hands for 20bb's and i just kept calling w/ big hands. down to 35 w/ the top 30 paying i made a dumb mistake. i had 14k at 400/800/25a and a very good player that had just doubled up to have 24k opened from the CO for a std 3x raise. i shoved without thought w/ KQo from the sb and ran right into his AA. a lot of players probably make the same shove and honestly if he folds im probably patting myself on the back for it. the thing that bothered me about it though is that i was able to steal and pick up blinds fairly easily and the table was playing pretty tight around the bubble. i only had one big stack to my left but he wasn't giving me much trouble at all. i usually don't start re-stealing light until im below 15bb's cuz with anything over that im pretty comfortable about standard raising and folding.

i also played a couple $15 super sats into the $55 satellite to ftops event 8, omaha hi/lo that im already in. i played mostly for practice and was crushing in both of them till late. i had some family stop by and pretty much blinded out and donked off while visiting with them.

i felt bad at the end of the session becuase i never got fully focused and in tune. i kept getting phone calls and people dropping by. i also got a call from a family member that needed a hand with something so i told them if i got knocked out before 8pm i would come help them. i think that led to a lot of uneccesary risk taking since i felt kind of guilty for not being able to help.

anyways, hopefully got the bad stuff out last nite so i can take a serious run at the ftops event tonite. im going to play a pretty full schedule tonite starting at 7pm and am looking for some good results.


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