Friday, July 4, 2008

june results + lack of focus

Here's June results:



So i really sucked balls at putting in hands. i also sucked balls at plo but have stuck to my goal of not playing plo anymore. the last few sessions i've played i've felt like i have been totally unfocused and seem to be going through the motions. i need to keep working on this, maybe even reducing the amount of tables i play until i feel i get a better grasp on the issue. i played my first session of the month last nite and won about 2.5 buy-ins over 1200 hands and also played 3 tournaments including the 7pm $75, 8pm $26 and 8pm $163. i bricked all three without cashing and this has run up my cashless streak in mtts to 29 straight which was surprising. i knew i hadn't had a deep run in a long time but that is by far the longest streak of my career. i feel like i should try and correct this but last nite even having some mtt's on the side was distracting me from my cash tables so i think i might just dick around with the odd tourny when bored.

i just came across a post on 2+2 where some dude had datamined all the limits on ftp and had the 15 or so biggest winners at 1/2. there were a lot of regs that i battle with daily on there that were making like 8-10k a month which i found surprising. they were also putting in a lot of hands, a lot more than i ever could, but it has motivated me not to be lazy and play as much as i can as long as im in a +ev mindset.

i think the dust off at the plo tables may have been a blessing in disguise as i really think i need to make a lot more improvement before im ready to tackle 2/4. right now i think i'd be led right into slaughter so im going to work my ass of this month and see if i can back on track and make some progress.


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