Friday, June 22, 2007

tons of hands, small win

played close to 3200 hands of 100nl today. i think to some multi-tablers that's not that much but to me that is a ton.

before the last week or so i would consider 1k to be a very big volume day. i tried 6 tabling today and actually felt fairly comfortable playing that many at once. i can't see myself ever playing more than that but 6 seems like the sweet spot.

i went back to 100nl and was very happy with my play. obviously there are always going to be a couple hands that are misplayed but overall i thought i played well.

i ended up just over a buy-in but was stuck 3 buy-ins early when i just got stuck in very bad spots. i could of actually been up a lot more but i took a couple of nasty beats that felted me.

here's a graph for the day.

i was planning on playing a bunch of mtt's but the way they started off i decided to concentrate on cash games. i played the 10am $24 and busted from that fairly uneventfully. i then played the noon $24 and about 15 mins in i got my AA all-in pre vs. KK and the board came xxKKx and i decided i had enough for a while.

next i played the fifty fifty again and went out about 1.5hrs in when i pushed AJ and about 15bb's overtop a couple limpers and one of them called w/ 99 and it held up. i also played the 10pm $24 and lasted about the same amount of time before getting short and pushing 77 into KK and thats all she wrote.

i might get some hands in tomorrow morning but then my girlfriend is coming home so my play schedule will be slowed considerably.


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